The Sherrod Case

If you haven't heard the news story about the former USDA employee, Shirley Sherrod then you have been under a rock.
Talk about a major case of jumping to conclusions about a person! This woman lost her job because right wing blogger Andrew Breitbart edited a video of a speech she gave at an NAACP event. The edited clip appears to show that Sherrod is telling a story of her discrimination against a white farmer when the full video shows quite the contrary.  The edited video clip went viral and made it's way to Fox News and they reported it without checking into the accuracy of it.  To make things worse, the the USDA Secretary of Agriculture did not fact-check either and forced her to resign over it. There is a lot of blame to go around on this one.
Watch here:

Sherrod has now made her rounds on the media circuit and has been vindicated with apologies all around to her.  A new job at the USDA has been offered, as well as other job are being offered up to her in various other places.

I say take your time Ms. Sherrod. to figure it all out.  And definitely sue the heck out of Breitbart for his character assassination attempt!