The Long Fought Battle is Over

President Barack Obama wins another Term to Serve these United States...


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Hurricane Sandy Survivors Push Toward Normalcy

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Olympics Time!

Well its that time again and the Summer Olympics are here! Love the games! Go USA!

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AT&T Extends Fox’s ‘Touch’ by launching ‘Daybreak’ with Tim Kring and Ad Agency BBDO.

"AT&T is the latest brand to leverage social to help extend a TV storyline. The wireless provider has partnered with Heroes‘ creator Tim Kring, also the creator of Fox’s Touch and their agency BBDO to launch Daybreak, a story told through five online films, two websites and a smartphone app, each exploring different facets of an exciting and complex character journey. The storyline is connected to Fox’s Touch and premiered right after the finale of the show. There’s nothing worse then watching your favorite show end, knowing that you’ll have to wait months for it to return (and in some cases not knowing when it will return). AT&T recognized this unique opportunity and decided to create an entire web show that fans would love across multiple platforms, connecting to Touch in a way that’s sincere while not affecting the main plot at all. “Technology, fueled by AT&T’s 4G network, plays a starring role in Daybreak,” the brand describes on their website. ” The site also explains that “after visiting AT&T Labs, (Kring) was convinced that our technology could help him lead the future of storytelling, and Daybreak is a product of that.” The storyline focuses on an object called an “ancient and mysterious objected called a dodecahedron,” which has be returned to avoid catastrophes."


Elderly Woman Bullied

I am almost at a loss of words as to my reaction to this story. Take a look at the video of an elderly woman who works as a school bus monitor who was verbally assaulted by 12 year-olds. It's shocking and I hope that they are punished severely!
  There has been some good that has come out of this. Someone started a fund for this woman and it has generated over $400k! I'm interested in knowing how much bigger this story will get.

I Love the Show "Walking Dead" but this is Ridiculous

By now you have probably seen the story of the drugged out Miami man who was caught eating the face off of a poor homeless guy.  If not, check it out here.

Here's the before picture of the homeless man...

Sadly, here's what's left of his face...

Photos from

The Newz_Junkie Daily