Unemployed Need Not Apply

It is in the news that there are some employers who are only hiring those who are currently employed.  Yes that's right, CURRENTLY employed.  So what does that mean for the millions of Americans who are out of work?  It's a sad reality.  Today CNN's Jack Cafferty had a segment on this very subject blowing the cover off of this practice.  According to a New Jersey human resources consultant, "employers sometimes think the unemployed have been laid off due to 'performance issues'."
That simply cannot be the case when our country is at 10 percent unemployment.  Another excuse given is that employers are weeding these applicants out due to the huge number of applicants.  Whatever the case, it is an unfair practice but yet there is no law against it.  It is indeed an employers' market where they have a huge pool of talent to choose from.  That is why it is so important to network.  It is up to each individual to do what it takes to stand out in the crowd and showcase your abilities and talents.
Keep networking and branding you!

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